What is happening in the treasury market? Q1 2023 update |UK

Author Eliot Bates
April 19, 2023

Q1 Treasury vacancies

Across the UK’s commerce and industry and non-banking and financial services sectors, we’ve pulled together a review of the live data we have captured in the first quarter of 2023.

The market isn’t showing the signs of slow down in treasury that we were expecting at the end of last year.

At the end of 2022, with a recession looming and interest rates and inflation soaring, we were expecting a slow start to the year and throughout the first quarter, however this hasn’t happened. Instead, what we have seen is an increase in registered vacancies month on month to the end of March.

Treasury is one of the very few industries that is recession proof, this is down to the increased spotlight that is placed on treasury functions in times of crises and economic uncertainty. We have seen an increased focus on cash visibility and liquidity with more specialist expertise as required for raising finance and defining a groups funding strategy.

March has been a promising month for the commerce and industry sectors. The number of job opportunities proves that the market continues to show signs of hiring. This is at all levels throughout the market.

Over the last quarter we have seen the highest volume of vacancies in the shipping and logistics sectors.


We have recently produced our salary survey, unsurprisingly this showed an increase in year on year salaries at all levels.

The level we have seen the highest percentage increase, is at the junior end of the market with Treasury Analysts and Senior Treasury Analysts now looking at 20-30% pay rises when moving between jobs.

All in all, Q1 was very good, the recruitment market started off slower in January as it normally does and activity has increased up to the end of March. This, coupled with the UK avoiding a recession and interest rates and inflation coming down, is a good sign that the market is moving in the right direction.

For more information about the market, or to find your next role in treasury please contact Eliot Bates.

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